Sunday, April 5, 2009

Birthday Boy...

Benjamin turned one yesterday. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...time flies! Here are some pictures of the party/BBQ we had for him here at the picnic area of our apartments. The picture above is Benjamin going to town with the sidewalk chalk.
Here are the sweetest pictures of Anna giving Ben-Ben some birthday love. She is such an awesome big sister! Benjamin is so lucky to have such a caring, fun, sweet sister.
We had outside stuff for the kids to do/play with: sidewalk chalk, bubbles, ball/bat, jump ropes, frisbees, etc. Ethan grilled some yummy brats and hot-dogs for us, and we tried to enjoy a picnic lunch despite the WINDY weather. First picture - Anna playing with the bubbles; Second - some of our friends from the school program we attend, including Anna's "best friend" Maddy; Third - Auntie Ashley, Ben-Ben, and KC at the party. (Ethan's mom, Melissa, and his sisters came down to help us celebrate Benjamin's birthday...thanks guys, it was SO GOOD having you!)
Ethan and Anna helping Ben open presents. These are the only two times at the party that Benjamin would even glimpse at any of his presents...let alone touch them. I know, typical one year old. *Side note - Notice the blanket they are sitting on. We've had it for a long time, and I never really knew where it came from. Apparently Ethan took it from his parents house awhile ago. Well, Melissa happened to mention this and told us to feel free to keep it, AND she mentioned the fact that she made this quilt. Wow! I never plan on quilting...ever, and am always impressed with people who have attempted it. We LOVE this blanket and use it all the time for outdoor play, picnics, watching fireworks, etc. I'm so happy the quilt is that much more meaningful now that I can tell the kids their Grandma made the blanket. :)

More outdoor fun. I love the first picture because it shows Auntie Ashley being so sweet in helping Ben try to feel a part of his own birthday party. He was the only non-walker there and it was hard for Ben-Ben to keep up with the other kids. Second picture, Benjamin's birthday cake. We actually got the cake for free as a promotional thing the local grocery store does for all baby's first birthday. Sweet! Okay, the "theme" for the party was Baby Blue...pretty much the same thing I did for Anna's first birthday, except pink. Decorate all in blue, have a cookout, and some toys/games for the kids. Well, I knew that the weather would be iffy for the beginning of April, but we did not have the option of an indoor party with the size of our apartment. Needless to say, I was checking the weather weeks in advance. Consistently it said sunny with temperatures in the 50's. That was doable. I did not, however, think to check the wind factor. We almost couldn't get the coals started, I had to nix the blue balloons and crepe paper as part of the decorating :( and numerous times we had to race after various items that were blowing away. Despite that, it really was a fun party. And let's not forget the most important, entertaining part...Benjamin eating his first birthday cake....
He starts out calm and collected.

But then he just LOSES. HIS. MIND.
*The first picture cracks me up showing Ben's friend, Tristan (our across the hall neighbors came too), looking on as Benjamin gorges himself on cake. Yes, his mommy gave him a piece seconds later, but he just looks so deprived.

Benjamin finishes every last crumb, and then wonders who will clean him up - ALL DONE. No one was jumping at that job.

Here is Benjamin trying out some of his birthday presents, and sporting a new birthday outfit...he looks so grown up! Yes, the bright green toy is a dust buster. Benjamin is obsessed with mine, so I thought he might want one of his own. It makes a pretty authentic noise, but he still prefers the real thing... surprise, surprise.
My one year old baby boy...not a baby anymore!