We went to our church Christmas party this past Saturday evening. This was the third time Anna has chatted with Santa this season, lucky girl. It was the first time for Benjamin though. He didn't cry, but he seemed a bit concerned. I could just picture him thinking, "Who the heck is this hairy guy, and why is he holding me?" Anna has her little hand held out because instead of sharing what she wanted for Christmas (she eventually said a doll house), she just wanted Santa to give her the bag of candy already.
My parents came with the kids and I to the party. Ethan stayed home and studied for his last final, which is over now. Yay!!! (Mom and dad were in Ann Arbor for a work conference, and then stayed the weekend with us.) So, from left to right: Grandpa Dewey and Ben-Ben bonding, Grandma Susan and Anna making a craft, and everyone enjoying a tasty dinner...with Anna making a pretty silly face. Fun times!
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