Friday, April 25, 2008
Spring Is Here!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ode To Grandparents
Don't worry, I'm not planning on writing a poem here - I just wanted to describe how grateful I am to all four of Benjamin and Anna's grandparents. It is so wonderful living close to both of our parents. We have had so much suport and I am so thankful. Before I even had Ben, Melissa and my mom watched Anna on some days when I just couldn't take being prego anymore (yes, Anna Jones, I LOVE, LOVE not being pregnant...I don't miss it in the least). Now that I have Benjamin, the grandparents have been so great helping in any way they can. Well, Chuck is still a little nervous to hold Benjamin, but he's more than happy to hang out and play with Anna. :-) We are so happy to be able to live so close to our families right now. So here is Ben with each of his grandparents.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Snow Day!!!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Rayhorns On The Rise
Since this was my first scheduled c-section (I didn't know I was having one with Anna until I'd been in labor for 4ish hours), I was surprised that it took a few HOURS of prep, paperwork, etc. before actually going to the operating room. It wasn't too bad hanging out in our suite in MGH's birthing center, but I was getting anxious!
The c-section went well. Since we knew what to expect this time, there was a lot less fear of the unknown and less stress. Ethan and I were actually joking and giggling during part of it! Seriously, I had a case of the giggles on the OR table...which felt inappropriate, but couldn't be helped. :) I'll spare you the gruesome pictures, but a nurse took a few action shots of the doctor pulling Ben out. It was pretty cool to see what was happening behind the blue curtain. And weird. And ok, a little gross too.
Daddy and Benjamin bonding in our birthing suite.
Hearing Benjamin cry for the first time felt dream like, yet powerful. It stands out even more than when I first heard Anna cry, which is, again, probably because we felt so much more prepared and comfortable this time. I felt more "in the moment." I was so excited to meet my baby boy! Finally hearing him cry made me immediately get teary eyed and choked up too - so full of joy. And even though this may be weird, the thought that clearly popped into my head when I heard Benjamin's first little cry was, "This can't be my last baby. This can not be the last time I hear a newborn cry." (Not being a huge fan of pregnancy, and a few other factors, I've thought many times over the past nine months - "I never want to do this again!") So, we'll see. hehe. It was a very distinct impression.
Anyway, after some bonding time in the OR, Ethan went with Benjamin to the nursery to trim the cord, give him a bath, and watch as the nurses assessed various things. Then they hung out for some father/son time while waiting for me to get put back together and return to the room.
Since I felt so overwhelmed after having Anna, and felt a little bombarded with guests (when I really just wanted to be alone with Ethan and baby), we told family/friends to wait for a phone call to come visit. We even thought it might not be until the second day. Well! I felt great - emotionally and physically - and after about an hour of alone time in our room, I told Ethan, "Call some people to come visit, pronto! And make sure Anna comes as soon as possible!" We were ready to celebrate, and have Benjamin start to meet all his family members.
Ethan is in the middle of his busiest semester ever, seriously!, so although he has a week off of work, he is still a bit busy. Only 3 more weeks!! He has studied here in our room (and elsewhere, like across the street at the University Center), and had to go to a few classes he just couldn't miss. But NMU is literally next door to the hospital, so it hasn't been too bad. He's also spent some time with Anna, and helps put her to bed each night, so she doesn't feel completely abandoned. Since I'm so much more comfortable this time around, it's been fine. After I had Anna, I didn't want to be alone at all. I know every pregnancy and birth is different, but I really feel like knowing what to expect has really helped with the calmness of it all this time.
So, Benjamin hasn't really let us get to know him too well yet...he has been so sleepy. Incredibly sleepy! He doesn't even want to wake up to breastfeed, silly boy. (And speaking of, he has a bit of a tongue issue that makes nursing pretty challenging - again! - but we're making an appointment with a lactation specialist, so hopefully that helps!) I think his sleepy-ness is just starting to wear off. Maybe? I have just loved snuggling with him, trying to figure out who he looks like, and enjoying this precious newborn stage. As far as looks go - He is definitely lighter complected, and his hair is lighter than Anna's was coming out. Anna as a baby and Benjamin don't look very similar to me now, but we'll see who he turns in to. Oh, and I'm surprised at how excited I am to have a son! A boy! I know I'd be happy with whichever Heavenly Father chose to send us, but I can't help but feel excited to experience both genders and see the unique personalities that each will develop. Mi precioso bebe! Mijo. I love him so much already.