Monday, July 26, 2010

So Funny, So True...

I started a short movie for the kids, and went to have a little rest in my room. About 10 minutes later, Anna knocks on the door to tell me she has a surprise for me. When I come out, she lovingly, and proudly hands me a plate with carrots and a sandwhich on it. The sandwhich was a roast beef and cottage cheese on wheat...hmmm. It tasted, well, interesting. Anna told me that she wanted to make me a little lunch since I'm pregnant and haven't been doing "my job" lately. So funny, so true. (Yeah, I haven't been cooking as much lately with the pregnancy, packing, etc....apparently Anna noticed.) When I asked her how I got so lucky to have the sweetest girl in the whole wide world, she replied, "That's just how Heavely Father made me. And he sent me to you." So true, Miss Anna. Love her!

1 comment:

Aleesha said...

Awwww!! How sweet is your little girly! So helpful, and creative at the sandwich making!