It has been SO HOT here. Too hot. Luckily, our pool opened last week, so we've been taking advantage of it. The kids love it, although Ben gets cold/bored after about 45 minutes, but Anna would stay down there all day if we let her. She's our little water baby. Okay, so Anna calls the swimsuit she's wearing her "Super Girl" swimsuit. And she just looooooves it. It's kinda funny, but I got it at a garage sale last summer as a back up suit. Her "real" swimsuit is sooooo much more adorable, but she just loves this one. Oh well, I'm a firm believer in letting kids make decisions and choices whenever they can...because there's just so much in their world they don't get to choose. So I guess that means Anna wears her favorite things instead of my favorite things. :) Maybe I'll get her in the other suit one of these days...
Ethan is playing on his PT class softball team. I believe their team name is the DPT Dominators. Nice. He has a lot of fun. It's on Wednesday nights, the same night I'm at church for Activity Nights, so Ethan takes the kiddos with him. They love it, and get to play with some of Eth's classmates that just go to watch. This week while playing, Ethan slid into base and got the most disgusting "dirt burn" on his leg. Ouchie!
So, I just thought I'd throw these last two pictures of Benjamin on here to 1) Show his flexibility. :) And 2) Prove that he does occasionally slow down to's just a pretty rare occurrence for my active little man. One other funny thing about Benjamin is that we almost always call him Ben or Ben-Ben. So, when someone calls him Benjamin, he gets a funny smile on his face, almost like, "What's this new name you're calling me?" Then he'll slowly repeat his name like this, "Ben-ja-Ben," or just, "Ja-Ben." So we've been trying to call him Benjamin more often lately. And one funny story about Anna: We were in the car one day and Anna decided to share some wisdom with us that she apparently learned from a PBS show. Out of the blue she said, "Turtles can retract their heads into their shells to protect themselves from creditors. Then the creditors can't eat them." We were impressed with the knowledge she had picked up on her own, while at the same time trying not to laugh at the 'creditors' slip up. And we couldn't bring ourselves to correct her. Too funny!
Well, we had Melissa and KC here last weekend, and my parents here for the Memorial Day weekend. But I'll have to post about that next time, because I need to run. The kids have just loooooooved having so many visitors lately. It's been a lot of fun. Until next time, have a beautiful week!